Resultados: 7

Câncer durante a gravidez: análise dos casos com ênfase nos resultados obstétricos e neonatais

Objetivos: Conhecer as interferências do câncer no processo gestacional e seu desfecho, identificar as neoplasias mais frequentemente diagnosticadas em mulheres no período reprodutivo. Métodos: Foram coletadas, informações dos prontuários de mulheres que vivenciaram o câncer, durante a gestação...

Geospatial analysis of births with congenital disorders, Paraná, 2008-2015: ecological study

Rev. bras. enferm; 73 (3), 2020
ABSTRACT Objective: analyze the pattern of spatial distribution of the prevalence rate of births with congenital disorders and its relationship with social, economic, health care and environmental indicators in Paraná, Brazil, from 2008 to 2015. Method: ecological study with variables extracted from s...

Obstetric analgesia in labor and its association with neonatal outcomes

Rev. bras. enferm; 73 (2), 2020
ABSTRACT Objetives: To investigate the association between analgesia during labor and occurrence of neonatal outcomes. Methods: Retrospective cohort study with medical records of 850 parturient. The exposure variable of interest was receiving pharmacological analgesia during labor and neonatal outcomes...

Associação entre fatores maternos e neonatais e o Apgar em recém-nascidos de risco habitual

Rev Rene (Online); 19 (), 2018
Objetivo: verificar associação entre fatores maternos e neonatais e o índice de Apgar <7 aos cinco minutos de vida. Métodos: estudo transversal com 134 recém-nascidos. Para análise dos dados coletados com instrumento elaborado pelos pesquisadores, utilizou-se a descrição das frequências absoluta...

Birth plan compliance and its relation to maternal and neonatal outcomes

ABSTRACT Objective: to know the degree of fulfillment of the requests that women reflect in their birth plans and to determine their influence on the main obstetric and neonatal outcomes. Method: retrospective, descriptive and analytical study with 178 women with birth plans in third-level hospital. In...

Fertility rates and perinatal outcomes of adolescent pregnancies: a retrospective population-based study

ABSTRACT Objective: analyze trends in fertility rates and associations with perinatal outcomes for adolescents in Santa Catarina, Brazil. Methods: a population-based study covering 2006 to 2013 was carried out to evaluate associations between perinatal outcomes and age groups, using odds ratios, and Ch...

Labor stimulation with oxytocin: effects on obstetrical and neonatal outcomes

Abstract Objective: to evaluate the effects of labor stimulation with oxytocin on maternal and neonatal outcomes. Method: descriptive and analytical study with 338 women who gave birth at a tertiary hospital. Obstetric and neonatal variables were measured and compared in women submitted and non-submitt...